Tag Monk Class

John Barrymore April 18, 2024 5 minutes
Blizzard has released all the Monk class changes alongside developer notes for The War Within Alpha. The goal of the class tree is to add more options and utility, such as an Enrage Dispel. The updates for Windwalker aim to address issues with power levels, usability, and gameplay focus, while Mistweaver sees updates to their class bonuses and removal of Essence Font.
John Barrymore February 29, 2024 5 minutes
In this blog post, the author reflects on the journey of the Brewmaster Monk specialization in the Dragonflight expansion and shares their hopes for its future evolution in the War Within expansion. They discuss the complexity of playing as a Brewmaster Monk, the strengths and weaknesses of the spec, and suggest improvements that could be made. The author also emphasizes the need for better feedback and performance tracking for Brewmasters. Overall, they express excitement for the future of the